Primary Day 2021- Message from President Jack Collins

As the President of the Proud Patriots of Smith Mountain Lake, I wanted to first and foremost thank Delegate Charles Poindexter for his almost 14 years of service to the people of the 9th House District. In my time with the Proud Patriots, he has always been well-loved by our members in and outside of his district. He has always been, and will forever remain a friend to our club.
I would like to congratulate Delegate Kathy Byron on her win yesterday in the 22nd House District. Delegate Byron has been a champion of conservative values over the last 24 years, and will continue to make the people of her district and the Commonwealth proud. I am proud to have knocked doors and volunteered my time for her in the last couple of months. Delegate Byron and her team of Trevor Webb and Dexter Gaines have all been great friends of our organization, and I look forward to working with them as we approach election day in November.
I also would like to congratulate Wren Williams on his win yesterday in the 9th House District. Wren has made bold promises for the future of the district, and has pledged to help take back the Commonwealth this year. I am excited to be able to get to know more about him and his campaign as we move forward in the coming months.
Folks, we have the best chance we have ever had to take back Virginia. With Glenn Youngkin, Winsome Sears, and Jason Miyares, we have the most diverses and capable ticket to take on the Democrats. Republicans in Virginia have never been more excited to get involved and share our conservative vision for the future. Almost four years ago, Ralph Northam took the stage on election night and said, “I have one question for you. Do you all like the color blue?” With those words, Governor Northam declared Virginia officially a blue state. My fellow Republicans, now is the time that we need to stand up and let the nation know that Virginia is not a blue state, and that we don’t need another washed up, insider’s insider Governor again who is going to continue the onslaught of liberal ideas and destruction of the Commonwealth we love so dearly.
Now is the time to get involved in whatever capacity you can. Please send me a message or comment below if you want to get involved this year. We need all the help we can get.